Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Church and Politics

Church and the State
Should the Church remain separate from politics?

While some people say "Yes", others say the two cannot be separated. On second thought, it would seem both are inseparable. People are part and parcel of the Church and Politics. Politics is nothing without people and people make up the church. That's MyBlog's view.

In the Muslim world, politics is guided by religion. In other countries Christian Parties have been elected into office. In the US, religion is very influential in the outcome of elected leaders.

Solomon Islands
Christian Alliance Solomon Islands Islands
This would appear to be the first religious party to have contested an election.

This party contest the April 2006 National elections under the banner of a religious party. While non of its candidates won a seat, some elected Parliamentarians are committed Christians. "Committed Christian". MyBlog believes the word committed is redundant in this instance. You are either a Christian or not.

The Christian Party of Solomon Islands embraces Bible principles for governing the nation. These principles cover good governance, transparency, Godliness, democracy, leadership, economy and other.

Malaita Province
This year also sees for the first time in the history of election on the island, a number of candidates contesting the Provincial elections next Monday, 15th January under a religious group.

At least five candidates in the five wards in the To'abaita and Mbaelelea region of North Malaita are contesting the provincial elections as a group. These wards are: Ward 6-Mandalua/Folotana; Ward 7-Fo'ondo/Gwaiau; Ward 8-Malu'u; Ward 9-Matakwalao and Ward 10-Takwa. A candidate in Ward 11-East Baegu could also contest the election under the religious group.

According to the group, it is a homegrown machinery of governance that seeks to enable Solomon Islanders to participate meaningfully in the governing process. It is the focal point that links leadership to the aspirations, well-being, development and advancement of the people.

The group says it is not a political party but a body that will:
(a) Screen and endorse candidates.
(b) Ensure accountability of elected members during office.
(c) Assist elected members in ward development matters.

The religious group says it aims to provide the solution to the political, social and economic problems of the community.

Provincial Governance
The process of the formation of provincial governments continues.

Three provinces: Isabel, Temotu and Rennell Bellona have formed their government. The latest is Rennell Bellona Province. Renbel can be proud to have a woman in its Provincial Executive. It joins Isabel in recognising that women too should be a partner in the decision making positions.

Rennell Bellona Province
Province has a new Premier.

He is Solly Amonga Tengemoana. He was elected unopposed. Provincial Secretary Robert Pongi reports from Bellona that the second nomination was ruled invalid by the Speaker for being received after the closing period. Mr Pongi says Mr Tengemoana is the youngest premier to be elected in the province.

The province has also elected a new speaker and deputy speaker. The new speaker to the assembly is Ajilon Nasiu from Rennell. Mr Nasiu was a former Premier of Rennell and Bellona Province in 1993. The deputy speaker William Kauga, was also elected unopposed. Mr Kauga was re-elected provincial member for ward one, East Tegano for the third term.

Provincial Executive
The new premier has appointed his new executive ministers as follows;
Solly Tengemoana --- Premier
Edward Kaitu’u --- Deputy Premier
Lence Tango --- Ministry for Works & Transport
Anne Pugeva -- Ministry of Health & Women Affairs
Brian Poaika Ngibutai -- Minister of Education

Provincial Secretary Mr Pongi says the new Assembly is pleased that it has a Women in its Executive. Anne Pugeva is the first woman candidate in the political history of the province since attaining its provincial status in 1993.

The Renbel provincial assembly held its first meeting on Bellona Island due to the closure of the airstrip in Rennell and due to the delay of the release of the January grants by the provincial Government.

Guadalcanal Province
Two candidates will contest the election of premier for Guadalcanal Province tomorrow.

They are Care-taker Deputy Premier, Stephen Panga and Joash SALANI. Provincial Secretary Justus Denni says Mr Panga was nominated by member for Tandai Ward Michael Liliau and Silas Chekana, member for Duidui Ward, while Mr Salani was nominated by Bradley Tovosia, member for Moli Ward and David Rosalio, member for Savulei Ward.

The election of the Premier will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

MyBlog comments
The new Guadalcanal Provincial government faces a taunting task of meeting the high expectations of its people. This is especially so as it tries to push through the peoples' long outstanding bona fide demands including state government, reconciliation and rehabilitation among other things.

Peace be with you.

Premier candidate: Joash SALANI not Salini -MyBlog


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