Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Guadalcanal pursues independence

Guadalcanal pursues independence
Guadalcanal has taken another step forward towards attaining its people's wish for Solomon Islands to adopt a State Government system.

Below is a statement by Minister for Guadalcanal Provincial Affairs, Simon Tonavi on the province's wish pursue independence.

The Province Executive committee approved in a meeting Thursday 16th November 2006 a Committee consist of eight prominent leaders. The decision was made following a Provincial Full Assembly resolution that a group to be called the "Guadalcanal Declaration of Unilateral Independence Committee" shall be established.

The new twist by the Guadalcanal people is based on the following background:

1. The consistency of the wish of the people of Guadalcanal to have more autonomy through the establishment of a Federal System of government have been expressed in:
a) The 1977 pre-independence consultations
b) The 1988 written petition hand delivered to the Prime Minister by the people themselves
c) The 1988 submission of the bona fide demands of the indigenous people of Guadalcanal

2. The people of Guadalcanal are convinced on the strength of the Townsville Peace Agreement, Marau Peace Agreement and the recent Guadalcanal Leader’s Summit that-
a) First and foremost they would like to affirm to the government their pledge to work towards lasting peace and harmony, not only on Guadalcanal, but also our beloved country - Solomon Islands.
b) Secondly they nbmitte he Government a proposal to kick - start the peace process or Guadalcanal which they believe will eventually bring about peace, harmony and prosperity on Guadaicanal and Solomon islands.

3. To date, while there have been numerous discussions, consultations, representations and government broad policy statements, there do not seem to be any approved practical programmes by the Solomon Islands government to fully implement and address the issues contained in the:
a) Bona fide Demands of the Indigenous People of Guadalcanal
b) Townsville Peace Agreement
c) Marau Peace Agreement
c) Guadalcanal Leaders Summit
d) Guadalcanal Peace, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation Task Force

4. The appointment of a constitutional Review Council is a repeat of a similar exercise conducted in 2002/2003 and which will further delay any review of the constitution.

5. Mindful of the bona fide demands of the people of Guadalcanal, the many issues outstanding as a result of the civil unrest and the current political cloud over Solomon Islands, the Provincial government of Guadalcanal resolved that;
a) Only an independent sovereign state of Guadalcanal could fully and effectively address these outstanding issues and grievances of the people.

The "Guadalcanal Declaration of Unilateral Independence Committee" Term of Reference will be covered in the next MyBlog Post....

Prime Minister Responses to announcment
In response to the announcement by the Guadalcanal Province, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare re-assures the people of Guadalcanal that his government is serious about addressing their demands.

Mr Sogavare says his government is addressing those issues through its development strategy. He says the strategy revolves around why Solomon Islands collapsed in 2000. The Prime Minister says in view of this Guadalcanal Province should re-consider its plan to secede from the country.

"I think that a move I feel should be reconsidered. One is to all fairness of this government, we only took over five months ago and we are putting together our policies and strategies. And as I said we are seriously taking into account the issues that our people of Guadalcanal are concerned about." he said.

Provincial Elections
Nominations of candidates for elections and bye-elections in various provinces have closed.

Nominations for bye-elections in Vonunu Ward on Vella La Vella, Western Province and Katupika Ward in Choiseul Province closed last Thursday. Eleven candidates are contesting the Vonunu Ward bye-election. The bye-elections will be held 14th December.

Nominations for Malaita Wards Six to 33 and in Temotu Wards 13 to 16 closed yesterday, Monday 20th November. Elections in these wards will be 12th December.

MyBlog has been unable to get the details of the nomination at the time of this posting.

However, the following information has been received.

19. Fataleka/Wards
05. West Baegu/Fataleka - 4 candidates

20. W Kwara'ae/Wards
03. Buma - 11 candidates
04. Fauabu - 13 candidates

21. C Kwara'ae/Wards
02. Aimela - 7 candidates
29. Keaimela/Radefasu - 7 candidates

23. Aoke/Langa Langa/Wards
01. Auki - 10 candidates
30. Langalanga - 10 candidates

25. West Kwaio
26. Kwarekwareo - 11 candidates

Malaita has 33 Wards.



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