Saturday, November 18, 2006

Prime Minister dismisses comments

PM speaks on investment
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has brushed aside comments that the delay in resolving the stand-off between Honiara and Canberra is adversely affecting investment in the country.

Mr Sogavare refers particularly to comments by the Governor of the Central Bank of Solomon Islands, Rick Hou and Chairman of the Solomon Islands Chambers of Commerce, Peter Goodwin.

Mr Sogavare says Australia is just one country in the world. He says Australia is just one out of many countries that investors come from. He adds that it all boils down to facts. The Prime Minister says as far as the government is concerned, it is not aware of anyone folding their investment in the country and leaving. He also denies any knowledge of potential investors not coming to Solomon Islands because of the stand-off. He says the government is depending on the Department of Commerce for such information.

Prime Minister Sogavare says Solomon Islands is also looking towards Europe and Asia for investment. He says other countries including Taiwan have shown great interest in investing in the country.

Solomon Islands and US relations
The new Port-Moresby-based US Ambassador to Solomon Islands, Leslie Rowe's presentation of credentials to Governor General Sir Nathaniel Waena this week came at a critical time of diplomatic relations between Honiara and Canberra.

The Ambassador says the United States will continue to work closely with Solomon Islands to strengthen security in the region. She also says the US supports the work of the multi country regional assistance mission to Solomon Islands and its efforts to bring peace and security to the country.

It would seem the US-Australia cooperation and influence in the Pacific region cannot be ignored by island nations including Solomon Islands.

Guadalcanal Premier and Governance
Guadalcanal Premier Abel Arabola says he is disappointed there are no well-educated people contesting the Provincial Assembly elections.

His comments follow the close of nominations earlier this week. Mr Arabola says he is concerned about the absence of the Province's academics from the elections. He says these are the people who have been vocal about good governance in the province are not contesting in this years's election. Mr Arabola says he had expected retired public servants and those who have contested the national elections to try the provincial elections.

Mr Arabola says considering the political, economic and social development in the province, he says he feels that it's time educated people help in the governance of the province. Guadalcanal people will go to the polls to elect their Assembly members on 12th December,

Temotu Province Elections
Nende Assistant Returning Officer Supervisor, Allen Neteka, reports that 33 candidates have been nominated to contest the seven wards in Temotu Nende on Santa Cruz Island. Names of the candidates are not available at this time of posting.

Temotu Nende Constituency
Nevenema Ward - 2 candidates
Lata Luva Ward -- 5 candidates
Graciosa Bay Ward - 3 candidates
Nea/Noole -- 2 candidates
Bekaboa Ward -- 11 candidates
Neo Ward - 4 candidates
Naggu Ward -- 4 candidates

Temotu Nende consists of wards on Santa Cruz Island.

No details have been received about the candidates contesting the other two Constituencies in Temotu, namely Temotu Pele and Temotu Vatud. Temotu Pele includes wards in the Reef Islands and Temotu Vatud consists of wards in Vanikoro, Utupua, Tikopia and Anuta.


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